Bam bam


Bam bam


Bam bam is a black and white cat she enjoys to be brushed and likes to follow you around the home she likes company. A home with children or not is perfect for Bam bam. I

She is inquisitive, playful and likes to be close to her person but not on the lap. Currently an indoor cat but might enjoy a safe outdoor space.

Is this cat neutered? No

Is this cat part of a bonded pair? No

What is the colour of the cat? Black/White

What is the sex of the cat? Female

What is the cat date of birth? 02/21/2022

Is this an indoor only cat? Yes

Would this cat be suitable for a household with small children? Yes

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other cats? Yes

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other pets? Unsure

Does this cat have special needs? No

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