Luna and Dusty


Luna and Dusty


Luna is a 5 month-old girl She is very active and lively. Luna likes observing and participating in everyday activities. She likes watching cartoons - her favourite is Tom and Jerry. She needs plenty of space to play and lots interaction from her new owners so that she will not get bored.. Luna eats high quality food and drinks kitten milk.

Dusty is a 11 weeks male, bonded very fast with Luna, and both just want to make friends with everyone. Dusty is definitely a cuddly cat and loves fuss.


Is this cat neutered? No

Is this cat part of a bonded pair? Yes

What is the colour of the cat? Black

What is the sex of the cat? Male

What is the cat date of birth? 02/22/2024

Is this an indoor only cat? No

Would this cat be suitable for a household with small children? Yes

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other cats? Unsure

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other pets? Unsure

Does this cat have special needs? No


Is this cat neutered? No

Is this cat part of a bonded pair? Yes

What is the colour of the cat? Black

What is the sex of the cat? Female

What is the cat date of birth? 11/18/2023

Is this an indoor only cat? No

Would this cat be suitable for a household with small children? Yes

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other cats? Unsure

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other pets? Unsure

Does this cat have special needs? No

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Is the cat vaccinated?  No

Is the cat microchipped? No

Is the cat neutered? No

Is this cat part of a bonded pair? No

What is the colour of the cat?  Black

What is the sex of the cat?  Female

What is the cat date of birth? 18/11/2023

Is this an indoor only cat? Unsure

Would this cat be suitable for a household with small children? Yes

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other cats? Unsure

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other pets? Unsure

Does this cat have special needs? No