Queenie no.2


Queenie no.2


This beauty is 11 months old and is looking for a forever home. She will initially be shy to begin with but once you give her time and space she opens up and is full of cuteness.

She is affectionate and loves her food! Neutered and litter trained. She mostly an indoor kitten but loves exploring outdoors. Queenie loves feathers, bells and scratch boards basically anything she can play with.

Is the cat microchipped? No

Is this cat neutered? Yes

Is this cat part of a bonded pair? No

What is the colour of the cat? Mixed Brown

What is the sex of the cat? Female

What is the cat date of birth? 02/19/2023

Is this an indoor only cat? No

Would this cat be suitable for a household with small children? Yes

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other cats? Yes

Would this cat be suitable for a house with other pets? Unsure

Does this cat have special needs? No

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